Our Guiding Principles

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Energy – get to office early, attack the day and be relentless

Passion – to excel and be the best in what we do

Hard Work – No short cuts, no easy way out

Self Discipline – to do what needs to be done, no compromises, no excuses, accept mistakes and learn from them and move on

Focus, Single Mindedness towards our customers – Customers are the reason we exist, give them more than they expect

Integrity and Ethics – Be honest and ethical, towards your customer, your people and your suppliers

Commitment – Respect your word, communicate timely and clearly

Respect for everyone – Everyone’s important, treat everyone with respect, no superstar attitudes, no superstar ceremonies

Change and Adapt – only given thing is change, so adapt and be ahead of the game

Knowledge – challenge, improve, increase and share – the only way to enhance your capabilities and competitiveness